Being in a conscious relationship takes work, and learning new ways to love and connect is critical when we are committed to a partner.

No relationship is perfect and over time we all change and grow–as do our needs. This is to be expected and accepted, even celebrated.

Because most of us don’t learn relationship skills outside of our home, we either do what our parents did, or we swear to not do what they did. Either way, we are limited in skill and possibilities.

How do we know which skills are most healthy, generative, loving and effective? And how do we welcome our partner’s perspective without feeling threatened or fearful of losing our own perspective? Skills can be learned, all it takes is willingness and courage. It’s so valuable to learn communication, active listening, acceptance that your partner is not you and will not behave like you.

Our relationships determine so much of our overall well being. Working to create a meaningful and committed loving relationship is always a great investment.

Vulnerability is necessary, yes, and as therapist and life-coach Brene Brown says, “Vulnerability is the birthplace of connection.”

So, if you want to be connected–as we all do if we are honest–get courageous and get comfortable with vulnerability. Then watch your relationships blossom.

Diving Deeper into Couple's Coaching

Will my relationship drama be all over town?

There are a lot of intersections in Bozeman and you don’t have to worry about any of your story being leaked. We take confidentiality seriously, and your time with us is a safe and sacred space. 

Can I come alone to discuss my relationship?

Absolutely. You can come learn ways to interact in your relationship that will feed you both. Therapy is never a bad idea. 

How many sessions do I need to create true change?

Some people only need a couple of sessions, others come weekly for years. We can work with you to determine and feel out what sort of frequency you will need. That said, we believe in your own intuition and will help you follow your instincts.